Nutribiogenics and Provetsa in Aviforum

Dear colleagues,

We would like to inform you that last week we participated in the AviForum Puesta 2023 congress together with our distributor PROVETSA, showing to the market the benefits of the product NBG HepatoShield as a protector of liver health in layers and breeders.

NBG HepatoShield is an advanced natural solution whose core is silymarin, enhanced with NBG Bioboost and NBG Protect technology.

NBG HepatoShield is a unique product that attacks liver problems in a truly holistic way:

  • Reduces the amount of toxins that cross the intestinal barrier.
  • Reduces the amount of oxidized molecules before they reach the liver.
  • Strengthens the detoxifying capacity of the hepatocyte.
  • Regenerates damaged liver tissue.

With these actions we are able to alleviate the hepatic overload, increase the productive parameters and extend the life of the animals.

Our product is so effective that it is even able to reverse the symptoms of hemorrhagic fatty liver.

Finally, from NBG we would like to thank the AviForum team for the interview on liver health that was conducted during the congress to our Director Xavier Cordoba and that we will be able to see published during the following weeks.

For more information: