Launch of NBG EnteroShield in Italy

Italia EnteroShield Micron

Dear colleagues,

This week we are pleased to announce the official launch of the NBG EnteroShield on the Italian market by our distributor MICRON.

We greatly appreciate the great interest shown by the Italian animal nutrition as well as for the attendance of some of the best nutritionists in the sector to our technical talks.

NBG EnteroShield is a curcumin-based product enhanced with our NBG Bioboost and NBG Protect technology, which improves intestinal health and increases the average daily gain of piglets at weaning by more than 10%, providing a return on investment during the weaning period of more than 10:


The results obtained in the latest tests carried out with Dr. Palomo of the Complutense University of Madrid, show that the product is not only a good growth promoter, but also a valid alternative to Zinc Oxide:

  • No post-weaning diarrhea detected.
  • Increasing daily weight gain
  • Reducing the level of pro-inflammatory cytokines.

For further information, please contact us: