Use of enhanced Silymarin in Laying Hens

Dear colleagues,
Several studies, in addition to our field trials with some of our customers, indicate that supplementing the diet of laying hens with silymarin not only appears to improve productive parameters such as laying index and conversion ratio, but also appears to improve egg quality, for example, an improvement in Haugh units (index measuring the height of the albumen surrounding the yolk).
The mechanism by which this flavonoid compound improves egg productivity and quality seems to be due to its potent antioxidant action on the intestinal mucosa and especially on the liver of the animals, improving intestinal morphology (height of the villi) and especially improving liver health parameters, related to a pro-oxidant overload produced by intoxications or by the high metabolic effort required during laying.
These actions together with the protection against fatty liver syndrome, make silymarin compounds ideal for the nutrition of laying hens.
To finish We attach an article that shows you how not all silymarin sources are the same. To have an enhanced effect you have to treat silymarin as we do with our NBG HepatoShield which we apply potentiation systems described in our page “The metod”:
Enjoy the article!