Antioxidant peptides obtained by enzymatic hydrolysis

Antioxidant peptides NBG

Dear colleagues,

Although vitamins are the nutrients best known for their antioxidant capacity, almost all nutrient groups have molecules with antioxidant capacity. In fact, we can state that the group of nutrients with the most potent antioxidant molecules belongs to the protein group.

For example, among the antioxidant proteins we have glutathione peroxidase, a key enzyme for controlling oxidative stress in the body and which acts thanks to another protein in the form of a peptide, glutathione.

It is therefore not surprising that peptides obtained from dietary proteins also show significant antioxidant activity, which can exert beneficial effects in promoting animal health by helping to reduce inflammation and immunosuppression.

Some features of antioxidant peptides are amino acids (His, Trp, Phe, Pro, Gly, lys, Ile and Val) with hydrophobicity, indole/imidazole/pyrrolidine ring, along with steric structure at the C- and N-terminal ends. Following these guidelines, NBG has developed, through specific enzymatic hydrolysis and ultrafiltration, NBG DigestaPro and NBG EnteroPro, highly digestible fish hydrolysates that help improve animal health and performance.


Finally, we attach an article with a review of the structural characteristics of peptides and their antioxidant activities.

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