Anticoccidial properties of Curcumin against Eimeria tenella in broilers

Curcumin and Chicken

Dear colleagues,

This week we are pleased to show a study demonstrating the anticoccidial properties of Curcumin against Eimeria tenella.

This trial shows that the better the availability of Curcumin the better the results, specifically in this research a micronized form of Curcumin was tested, which although not the best solution to optimize availability is better than normal Curcumin.

The results show that the Curcumin treated groups revealed a significant increase in antioxidant enzymes such as glutathione (GSH), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase compared to the untreated infected control group.

Since Curcumin has anti-inflammatory properties, TNFα and IL 10 were significantly decreased in the Curcumin-treated group compared to the untreated infected groups.

The conclusion of the study is that a Curcumin source with higher availability had a marked role in restricting the adverse effect of E. tenella infection in broilers by reducing all indicators of infection.

At Nutribiogenecs we have developed NBG EnteroShield, a product in which we enhance the activity of Curcumin with novel NBG Protect and NBG BioBoost technology.


In addition to protecting and greatly enhancing Curcumin activity, our innovative technology allows for a slow release to avoid possible pro-oxidant reactions or to maintain blood levels.

Enjoy the article.