NBG OxiShield, made with enhanced antioxidants and immunomodulators that help stop Mycoplasma

NBG OxiShield Mycoplasma

Dear colleagues,

This week we would like to give you a sneak preview of some results obtained with our NBG OxiShield product, specifically from a trial conducted with the prestigious I.R.T.A. Research Center.

The product has been designed to help reduce the negative effects of metabolic oxidative stress and immunosuppression through nutrition, but surprisingly in our latest trial we have seen that it also helps reduce mortality in chickens affected by a severe Mycoplasma challenge.

In fact, if we consider that one of the mechanisms of action of Mycoplasma is the immunosuppression caused by oxidation, we should not be surprised by this result.

We can advance that the results obtained with our product show for example that it is able to reduce mortality from 13.42% in the control group to 3.92% in the group with NBG OxiShield, and it is also able to improve by +34.6 points the EPEF (European Production Efficiency Factor) of the animals, and both data have obtained a statistical significance of P<0.05.

In fact, at the end of the trial at 35 days of life our product is showing a ROI (Return on Investment) of >3.5!

But what is NBG OxiShield?

NBG OxiShield is a natural and innovative product based on a new and advanced technology that enhances the potency of olive extract rich in antioxidant and immunostimulatory molecules such as hydroxytyrosol and maslinic acid.

The technologies used to achieve this effect are brought together under the HHH System concept developed by NBG.

The HHH System works with an innovative activation system that takes into account the molecular protection and synergistic reactions that occur at the right time and at the right place in the body.

Although the tissue analysis has not yet been performed, if anyone is interested in the summary of the productive parameters of the assay, please do not hesitate to contact us.


While we are preparing the technical article for publication, we are pleased to show an interesting article, which shows a brief summary about Mycoplasma Gallysepticum, a microorganism that every year causes millionaire losses to poultry farming.

Enjoy the article.


Photography: M.H.B. Catroxo and A.M.C.R.P.F. Martins, CC BY 3.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0>, via Wikimedia Commons