
NBG CocciShield is a product designed to help protect animals against coccidia and opportunistic infections through advanced and natural strategies.

_ How NBG CocciShield Works

The NBG Coccishield has a main core based on a mix of curcumin and carvacrol enhanced with NBG Protect and NBG Bioboost technology.

Its main action consists of an alteration of the membranes of coccidia, thus making it difficult for them to multiply.

It also acts as a powerful anti-inflammatory and intestinal regenerator that prevents colonisation of the intestine by opportunistic pathogens.

_ When to use the NBG CocciShield


Intestinal pathologies mainly caused by Coccidia or necrotic enteritis caused by Clostridium perfringens.

NBG Protect


Sack of 20Kg


0.25-1.5 kg per tonne of feed

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