How to use turmeric extracts in animal nutrition

Curcuma and animals

Dear colleagues

In some of our previous publications I showed you the benefits of curcumin and since it is a very sensitive molecule to the digestive process, we recommended to use an effective system to protect it, such as encapsulation.

In our company it is a subject that we are very clear for this reason we have developed our NBG Curcuma.

NBG Curcuma is a source of curcuminoids and turmerones nano-encapsulated and emulsified to allow not only a protection of the precious active ingredients but also a fast and efficient absorption and an increased target action thanks to the activators included in our Nano-Encapsulation.

NBG Curcuma is used in several of our products, but we could highlight NBG EnteroShield as the product that most exploits the potential of NBG Curcuma to protect the gut from pathogens and oxidative stress:


In the attached article this week, we will see a quick review of the main properties of turmeric longa extract as an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial, but we will also remember in a very graphic way why turmeric protection is necessary unless we want to waste this precious nutraceutical as a simple colorant.

Finally, let us show you a tip, never forget in your formulations the oily part of turmeric, rich in turmerones that besides being powerful anti-inflammatory molecules that help to absorb the Curcuminoids in a more efficient way.

Enjoy the article.